Safety is our number one priority and our Stafflink Workforce Management staff maintain their Workplace Health and Safety training to enable us to regulate a safe working environment for our workers.
In accordance with the relevant guidelines provided by Workplace Health and Safety legislation, Codes of Practice and Australian Standards, we're committed to maintaining high safety protocols so all our employees return home safely to their loved ones at the end of each day.
Providing a safe and healthy work environment for workers starts with the clear expectations, policies and robust risk management frameworks we have in place.
Preventing injuries and illnesses in the workplace are a key priority which we aim to achieve through the following:
- We deliver mandatory comprehensive safety inductions and training to all staff prior to being released for work
- Our inductions are developed in conjunction with industry experts to ensure the most up to date and relevant information
- Clear instructions and training are provided to improve the understanding of workplace hazards and emergency procedures
- We believe policies and procedures are crucial to safety and the workers we provide are trained to comply and abide by their host employer's policies and procedures for both their own safety, and that of their co-workers
- Our comprehensive screening process ensures all qualifications and licences are scrutinised, verified and recorded in the employees' file along with any requirements for updates. Only workers with the required qualifications and experience are placed with our clients
- We ensure all our employees have their own personal protective equipment (PPE) so they can carry out their job in a safe manner
- We understand workers may need to undertake drug and alcohol testing and have police clearance - we take care of the process on behalf of our clients
- We require all our clients to provide site specific inductions prior to our employees starting each new role
- Proper and thorough workplace inspections and risk identification assessments are conducted to ensure our clients are providing a safe workplace
- Regular workplace checks, safety interactions and genuine employee engagement ensures employees are doing the job they were assigned, that protocols are being followed and all correct safety precautions are being taken
- We conduct thorough investigations of any incidents and our findings are shared with relevant parties. Real time logging and communication of incidents ensures transparency and identification of potential issues. Consultation with our clients is crucial for a successful investigation. Partnering to achieve a positive outcome has proven very successful
- In the event of an accident or incident, employees are treated with fairness throughout the process of the incident being investigated
- Access to effective rehabilitation and support measures are available for those who suffer a workplace related injury
The well-being of our people is our top priority; one that we foster through a culture that lives and breathes safety. We're fully committed to nurturing a supportive and healthy work environment.